sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Idar Jovita

Jovita Idar was a pioneering Mexican-American female journalist.

Since she was  a child, she worked in the newspaper of her family. In 1903 she became a teacher in Ojuelos. However, her inability to improve the poor conditions of the school incited her to resign and join the family weekly newspaper, La Crónica. It was a vocal in criticizing certain aspects of Hispanic-Anglo relation. The newspaper also supported efforts of the revolutionary forces in Mexico during the Mexican Revolution.
In 1911 Idar became the first president of the League of Mexican Women to promote the education of poor children.

"Mexican children in Texas need an education...There is no other means to do it but ourselves, so that we are not devalued and humiliated by the strangers who rurround us"

That same year, she founded the Liga Femenil Mexicanista, a social, cultural, political, and charitable organization for Mexican-American women. Several of women operated their own schools and allowed the children of the poor to attend free of charge. The league is one of the first-known attemps by Mexican-American women to unite for a social and political cause, and it attracted the most educated women of the community.


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