jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

The Bus Boycott

Once upon a night, Rosa Parks, who was a black American woman living in Alabama, was tired because she spent her day working on a tailor department store. She was so exhausted that she just wanted to take a seat on the bus and to arrive soon at home. But, something happened to her.

A white man asked her for her seat on the bus but she refused to move.  When a bus became full, it was usually to give white passengers the seats in which black people were sat.

Thus, the bus driver ordered Parks and three other African Americans seated nearby to move to the back of the bus. But, Rosa Parks didn’t move and she was arrested and fined $10 for violating a city ordinance, and this dared act began a movement that ended legal segregation in America.

Rosa Parks
We didn't have any civil rights. It was just a matter of survival, of existing from one day to the next. I remember going to sleep as a girl hearing the Klan ride at night and hearing a lynching and being afraid the house would burn down.

Rosa Parks was born in Alabama. At the age of 11 she enrolled in the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls, a private school founded by liberal-minded women from the northern United States. The school’s philosophy was “take advantage of the opportunities, no matter how few they were”.
Therefore, the bus incident led to the formation of the Montgomery Improvement Association, led by the young pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The main aim of this association was to call for a boycott of the city-owned bus company.

A Supreme Court Decision struck down the ordinance under Mrs. Parks had been fined and outlawed racial segregation on public transportation.

In 50s, Black people were discriminated because of racism. They were bad treated, they had bad conditions at work and there was segregation in schools, restaurants even in public transports such as the bus. Surprisingly, the bus accident would have positive consequences and all this situation would change. 


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