jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Native American Women

Women played a very important role in the life of the Native American. They were more than just mothers of the tribes' children. They were builders, warriors, farmers and craftswomen. 
The men knew that women were the source of life and provided a feeling of stregth and consistency to their lives.
The Clan Mother chosen the chiefs
The women had several roles, but probably the most important role of them was having children to ensure the future of their tribes. Each of the long houses they lived in were generally occupied one clan, with the eldest or most respected woman of the clan ruling it as Clan Mother.
It was also women who decided which men should be speakers, although the Tribal Coundil was dominated by male speakers.
Women occasionally even fought in battles beside the men -"War women" - and all the people respected them for their bravery.

By the 1800s the majority of the Native American tribes had lost their independence and had become dominated by white Americans. At this time white Americans did not believe that it was proper for women to fight wars, vote, speak in public, work outside the home, or even control their own children. The Native Americans began to imitate whites, and native American women lost much of their power and prestige.


viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Eva Perón: her social labour moved her whole life.

 Eva Perón was an Hispanic and very notable woman in the 20th century. She was the second wife of Juan Domingo Perón, the President of Argentina. She moved to Buenos Aires when she was 15, and some years later she succeeded in becoming an important actress and politician.

But, why is she such an important woman even nowadays? Because she achieved the political equality between men and women. In addition, she fought for the social and labour rights and worked very hard to improve the lives of the poorest. Her determination, strength, wisdom and courage made her become a legend in Argentina by gaining the favour of many people.

Eva Perón, nowadays, is still a notable example for many women all over the world but also for all those who fought and are still fighting for the equality, the justice and a better future. The advances that she obtained for her determination show that impossible is nothing. Therefore, she makes us wonder if we could, somehow, contribute to a real equality among men and women.
Althouhg this equality is said to be real, it is not in many cases. Eva Perón fought for it, what about us?

Undoubtedly, analysing this woman's life and deeds will help us to realize that it is actually possible to change the world, little by little.

Here, we can see a summary of Eva Perón's life: Eva Perón
